I woke up with the sun rising in the distance over theLuberonMountains. What a sight! I got up and got to my normal morning routine. I then went up to the printmaking studio for “class.”


I do not really consider class actual class today with us just figuring out where everything was to be hung. I was in my room for the majority of the time figuring out how I was going to cover the scratches on the frames from where the spray paint had been rubbed off. Those IKEA frames are not ideal to get the job done for this but hey I guess it will be fine! I figured out though that Sharpie did the job pretty well. I then had to re-wire the old frames and put the wire in the new frames so that they would all hang evenly along the gate. I then hung them up and VOILA…beautiful! Deb was very happy with the results so I guess that is a good thing! I went back up to the printmaking studio to help others with getting their frames hung along the walls in there. I love seeing everyone’s work all up and it is amazing to see how good it looks with everything framed and up against the freshly painted walls! As work as being put up along the stone walls outside, one girl within 20 minutes had already sold two of her prints! No one could believe it! I went back down to my room to check my emails, and all since I was no longer needed to help- wahoo! It was then linen exchange and lunchtime.


I got back to my room and made up my bed here for the last time with new sheets! I then got on my computer for like the whole afternoon! I am so bored these days with the heat and no classes that I just sit here and waste my time- I really hate it but its like a nice break too from feeling too stressed. I got an email from my advisor at school saying that I needed to change my schedule for the fall so that I must take 2 studio classes and 1 lecture. Nightmare and stressss hello. So now I am taking back to back Fashion classes on Monday from 11-5. I am starting to think it may be the first quarter where my name is on the Dean’s List 😦  Lordy, I am already stressed and I just got done with classes. So that was an unfortunate time but then I decided to wait and not have negative thoughts now but everything will be okay. Self-talk. I had to then go down to the Mac Lab to let Danna use my phone because…she needed another suitcase!! Ha I have a feeling that may be me as well but praying not! I am just going to have to try and fit everything and wear the rest! I went back to my room to then realize I had to go pick up my labels from the Boutique. I was interested to go see all the work that’s been put up so I did a walk through- so far everything is AMAZING! Such talent and I had no idea! It was fun to see like the behind the scenes part of everyone going crazy before such a show was hung. I had to figure out the placement of my labels below the bushes of my artwork since people would not be able to read them from the gate.


I returned to my room around 5pm to cool off because I was so hot from just walking around looking at everything! I then got on my computer and hung out until dinner time.


I came back up to my room. I wandered around for awhile outside because it had cooled off a bit which was nice. I walked down to see Shelley and to the computer lab and Danielle in the print studio where she was printing a few plates since she is doing a demo for the Exposition tomorrow while people are walking through. I then went to the studio where the journals are being displayed and enjoyed looking at them for a bit. I came back and just hung out on the computer. I was going to go outside on the terrace and read but it started to get dark so those plans for nixed! I then skype chatted with my mom for a bit in trying to figure out a hotel for our stay inAtlantawhen she takes me back to school. I was excited then to see that I had gotten a St. Mary’s Alumni email! They have created a new website so it was fun to see that! I got ready for bed and here I am sitting on my bed with the fan blowing right on me:) My night has been a little bit dumpy with feeling a little bored and worried about life when I get back to the states. I doing want to have any negative expectations. Well tomorrow is Friday, my day off! A group of us is going to walk to Bonnieux in the morning for the market before the Exposition begins at 3pm! Trying to get excited now for the weekend ahead! Should be a good and successful one I hope! XOXO