Final Day in Lacoste! Tuesday, Aug 30 2011 

I was freezing when I got up this morning! It was so cool out- my phone said that it was 55 degrees in Lacoste! It was beautiful though to look outside my window at the sun rising over theLuberonMountains. I got up, did my routine, and fortunately, as the sun started coming out, it got warmer out. I showered and got back to the packing. I am leaving a few things behind but I hopefully will not be missing them!


I then went down to the Mac Lab to check my online class discussion board since yesterday, I was unsure if I had posted the website correctly. I unfortunately had not but was able to easily fix it so it should not affect my grade. I got that all settled and then continued to read my email, and check all my other daily pages! I then headed back to my room around 11:30am and decided to grab my book and sit out on the terrace until lunchtime. Oh and it was so nice and peaceful!


I went to lunch where we were told that we could pick up our reading responses and journals from Art History at 1pm. I went back to my room and then went to go pick up my journal! I got A’s on both my papers so wahoo! The professors are not posting grades until the end of this week though so I am not sure about my final grades yet. I then stopped in by the Boutique to get my “I Owe You’s” settled regarding paper that I had bought for printmaking but it had already just been taken out of my deposit so that was easy! I quickly had to come back to my room for Room Inspection which was to be held at 1:30pm but of course, never on time so I sat and got on my computer for awhile! Eleanor and Marcus came in around 1:45pm and we passed with flying colors! It was no big deal and then I decided to grab my towel and head to the terrace! It was gorgeous out and I just lay there for awhile without any music or my book and just enjoyed the time. It was so relaxing! I ended up though falling asleep until about 4:30! Danielle came out and talked to me because she was “soooo bored!” Then we both went back to the room and got on our computers for awhile. I then went down to the Mac Lab because I had to finish up on my discussion boards and talk to my dad about the apartment situation. I really cannot believe he will be picking me up from the airport tomorrow night! I also called my mom to update her on all the apartment info. It was already 6:30pm by that point and I had to go back to my room, shower quickly, and hurry to make it to the end of dinner.


I went back to my room after dinner to get on the computer and just hang out for a bit. Nothing too exciting was going on especially with a group here having left and gone to McDonalds! I decided to stay behind and finish up my packing. I weighed my bag and its about 2 kg over so we will see what happens tomorrow at the airport…hopefully they will let it slide! I then went down to the Mac Lab to send information to the real estate agent for one of the possible apartments! Let us hope I get the lease settled before arriving there on Wednesday afternoon! I then spoke to Avery for a bit before heading back to my room to get ready for bed! I walked up to my room and decided to go look up at the stars from the terrace. It was gorgeous out and all the stars gleaming. I had not realized how bright they were out here. I guess its always good to find out things better late than never! I came back to my room and here I am posting for my last night in Lacoste! But do not worry… I will let you know how my travels go tomorrow! I have loved keeping you updated on my journey so far! It has been quite the time here in the South of France and I cannot believe its coming to a close. Made lots of memories, saw so many sights, smelled amazing smells, and just was exposed to so much that I could have never dreamed of! Its been fabulous! So for now, bon soir!

Spectacular Sunday! (Happy Birthday Sylvie!) Monday, Aug 29 2011 

I woke up to the most amazing weather this morning! It was beautiful outside! I got up a little bit later and headed out for my long Sunday walk. It was rather chilly outside, I was wearing a long sleeved shirt and had goose bumps but it was around 65 in the shade and then in the sun, warm like 80! It was so nice to be outside and almost felt like the beginnings of fall weather coming in. I had a nice long walk and listened to my book, Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet.


I came back and sat out on the terrace for about half an hour just absorbing the beauty of this place and really taking it all in. I went into my room to grab an iced tea and my French Vogue! It was so relaxing and awesome! Then around noon, I went back into my room to throw on a t-shirt and check my emails. I got one from my mom with the heading being…”Sunday…next to last day!” It then really hit me that I am leaving so soon! It is crazy! I headed down to lunch and then came back up to my room.


I decided to go back out to lay out on the terrace with my book and just enjoy the afternoon and gorgeous weather while I had the opportunity! I stayed out there until about 4pm which was great! I came back to my room and unframed all my prints, then returned the frames to the frame cave so that the students next quarter can reuse them. Unfortunately, I broke one of the pieces of glass but it was really not too big of a deal! I then went down to pick up my journal and accidentally picked up the wrong one so I will have to trade out tomorrow when the studio is reopened. I then came back to the room where I realized, I really needed to work on my website and get it submitted before the deadline tonight! I headed down to the Mac Lab and tried to figure it out, I think I did…I at least submitted what I think was correct so lets hope it was! I realized at that point, I was already half an hour late for dinner though and still needed to shower! I hurried back to my room, showered, and went to dinner for the last 10 minutes!


When I got back to my room, Danielle told me that the announcements made at dinner were that we were supposed to be all packed by tomorrow when we have room inspection and that room inspection for us was to be held at 1:30pm. I started to panic because I hadnot yet started packing! She was already finished so she was fine but goodness; I had a lot to accomplish! I started off getting my souvenirs into the suitcase that has to be checked and then went from their stuffing, rolling, and somehow cramming everything in! I decided to leave a few items behind though they would not fit into my bag 😦  At this point though, I am so tired of all the clothes I brought here that I really could care less if I saw them again! Ha probably will regret saying that when I get home and am missing what I left behind! But hey…when I get home, its time to shop!! I finished up and went down to the computer lab to upload my pictures but it said it was going to take almost two hours so I decided I will wait until tomorrow to do that! I got to my mom for a little bit since she had just gone and spent time with Sylvie for her birthday so it was good to hear about that! I came back to my room to chat with Ave for a second before I got ready for bed! So now here I am ready for bed and mostly packed up! Success! Hope you had a wonderful weekend like I did! I cannot believe it was my last here…such a bittersweet feeling in leaving. But goodnight for now!

Super Saturday Sunday, Aug 28 2011 

I woke up this morning to look out clouds were lying out on the valley with the mountains coming out behind them.

Oh I love the view in Lacoste! I got up, did the usual, came back and decided not to shower until I got back from the Apt Market. Let’s hope I did not smell too badly…I did not think i did at least!! It was so cool out that I had not sweat too much. The temperature has dropped almost 15 degrees! I even wore a long sleeve shirt out! I guess I cannot complain about the heat anymore but now how cold I am! Anyways when I got back, Danielle and I hurried out to the Goat Gate (meeting spot to leave) since we were the first ones to go on the list! We were a little bit worried since it was the last week and a lot of students wanted to go!

We were separated into two different vans but we made it to Apt!! Unfortunately, she found out last night that her uncle passed away so I think that having a comforting friend helps to be around so that is what I have tried to be for her. So, we walked around the market for the last Saturday here!

I feel like a local going every week and even know which vendors are where. Last week, my soap man was not there but this week he was!! And I was so glad that last week, I had bought the espadrilles because this week, the stand was not there! Danielle had only needed to go to one of the patisseries where they sell an array of beautiful breads to fabulous looking pastries and macaroons.

She bought macaroons to take home! We then walked through just taking pictures and enjoying being there. As always, the roasted chickens, paella, hummus, flowers and all smelled so delicious! We went by the grocery to pick up a few things for the rest of our time here and I had to take out money from the ATM since I was completely out of Euros!

I found my soap man and bought a few soaps to take back home! He has the best packaging and I just love that so I was happy so get all my shopping done! We headed back to the meeting spot and it was really sad not to think I will be returning next week but will be inMemphis…weird!! I am not sure how I feel about it since,Memphisis ugly! Ha I will be glad to be home…right?!

So we returned to Lacoste and I jumped immediately in the shower! I was freezing and it was so fabulous to be clean and warm! I then went down to lunch and came back to dry my hair, and get ready for the Exposition! I took a break and got on my bed with my comfy blanket that I brought from home and curled up with my laptop to return a few emails and check my usual blogs! It was gorgeous outside too though a bit windy! Definitely nice for the show though compared to last nights downpour! I heard from Lindsey Hurst though with huge exciting news that SHE IS PREGNANT! Yay so exciting! She sent me a picture to my phone of her ultra sound! I spoke with my dad for a bit about the apartment situation so we can try and figure it out before I return with him to Savannah on Wednesday morning. I am hoping that I get something rented so that we can move all my things out of storage! It was then 6pm and I had to go work in the printmaking studio for my shift.

I got into the printmaking studio and Liz and I were assigned to work for the hour. The Vernissage had started up at Maison Forte from 5-7pm so there were a lot more people there walking around and having cocktails! Shelley had just worked in the studio and decided to stay and hang out with me so that was fun!

We took lots of pictures and just hung out with the music playing and people coming in to look around! As we were getting ready to close up, three more prints were sold but a couple of the other girls took care of it and I had to go return my prints inside before our Bon Voyage dinner.

I returned everything to my room safe and sound, freshened up, and met everyone down at the local restaurant for our special Bon Voyage dinner. It was so fabulous to be all dressed up with everyone, drinking, great food, and in a completely different atmosphere than the ole cafeteria!

A few students played music on the piano and sang! Lots of fun and great to get pictures while we could all together! The top picture is Danielle and I, second  Danielle, me, Danna, and below is me, and my roommates, Brittany and Danielle

Most people were pretty tipsy around 9pm because of the Vernissage and then dinner so it was quite the show! I got pictures with lots of my friends here and Eleanor, my fellow Southern belle!

A lot of people then headed down to the bar but Shelley and I decided to watch a movie since we were both sober! I came up to my room and she went to hers but then we decided on Facebook that we were both too tired so I just hung out and uploaded my pictures! It was so cold outside that there was no way I was getting out from under my blankets and pjs to go down to her room!

Today was nice just to not have too much pressure really do have to get anything done but enjoy and relax! I hope you had a great Saturday! I am looking forward to what Sunday may hold…who knows?! I know at 1pm, we have deinstallation so I guess we will be working on getting all the work done, unframed, and back to be packed up. We were talking about doing some sort of artwork swap as well with the students which I think could be fun to get to have other pieces of work. I am thinking…apartment decorating!! Anyways, bon soir and goodnight!

Fffff-Friday! Saturday, Aug 27 2011 

So I woke up this morning to doors bangs, curtains flying, things falling over, etc. and the wind was WILD! It was as if a tornado was going through Lacoste. It was nice to have the morning off and wake up a little bit later! Danielle, Shelley, Danna, and I had planned to walk over to Bonnieux for the market. Though, Shelley and Danna decided to leave at 8:30am but Danielle and I waited until around 9am! I seriously cannot describe how wild the winds were though with things blowing all over the place- so crazy!


Danielle and I took the more scenic route to Bonnieux with walking through the vineyards and around people’s yards along a pathway. It was a pretty nice morning though it started to get hot when we were close to the town. We immediately went to the ATM and then up to where the market is set up in the town square. We walked I guess pretty quickly because what usually takes us about an hour, took us only 45 minutes. We walked around for a bit with some of the vendors still setting up their displays.

We ran into the other girls at a stand and they said they had just gotten there. I guess they were just a little bit slower then us! It is always fun though to walk around, smell, and see everything! Danielle and I bought Coca Lights and headed back to Lacoste around 11am! We wanted to get back in time for lunch and to get ready for the Exposition which started at 3pm!


We walked along, Danielle kicking those darn snails that literally are stuck to the long grass and wild flowers along the road. Pretty funny and gross at the same time! As we were getting close to Lacoste, like in seeing distance of the sign of entry, the other girls drove by us in some van with a guy. I guess they met a guy who knew a friend who said could give them a ride back! I was not tempted to jump in a white van with an unknown driver in a foreign country…but hey, they made it back alright!

Danielle and I decided to take a few pictures with the departing from Lacoste sign since that is what we will be doing on Tuesday…still cannot believe it!!


We arrived back to Lacoste and I jumped in the shower! I was pretty hot and sweaty from our walk so it was nice to clean up! I then went to lunch and afterwards, talked to Eleanor about what we were going to do about hanging artwork outside because of the wind. She and the professors had decided that the students were to put all the artwork in the different studios so that the glass from the frames would not fall and shatter. Deb though told me to just get a few extra wires and secure my pieces since they were along the iron gate. So a little hesitantly, I was the only student to have my artwork be outside!

I returned to my room then to get ready for the show.


People began to walk through and look around all throughout the afternoon. I was not working in any of the studios so I was free to walk around myself and see everything. I started from the base of Lacoste and worked my way up so that I could take pictures and it be almost like a “virtual tour!” It was interesting to see all that people had created especially since I did not take any of the illustration, painting, or photography classes that were offered this quarter. I was very impressed with everything! But for the rest of the afternoon, I just wandered around. It was seriously one of the longest afternoons ever! Eventually I went down to the terrace of Café de France with a few people and just sat out while they had ice cream and beer! There is a great view from there so it was nice to sit out and enjoy! I then went back to the studios and looked around like at what pieces were being sold. Always interesting to see what people buy! I went back to my room to throw my laundry in for the last time here!! I decided to head down to dinner around 7pm and take the garbage out. To my surprise, the Memmi’s had come and were sitting at the bottom of the town waiting to see me! They are unable to really make it up the hills here so they had thought I would eventually come down and fortunately, I did! I stood and talked to them for about 20 minutes and said my goodbyes and thank yous to them for being so welcoming and inviting of me into their home while I was here! I made it then to dinner after a quick, sweet visit!


As I was getting ready to leave the cafeteria, it began to thunder and since it had been cloudy earlier, I had been thinking in the back of my mind that it may rain. Then suddenly, the power was out. I walked outside and there had been about a 10 degree temperature drop! It was so strange so I knew that something was about to happen. I quickly ran up to my room to get wire cutters and pulled my prints down and brought them to my room with the help of one of the guys here. It was a huge sigh of relief to have them in safely and without being rained on! I then had to run down to get my laundry and just as I was carrying it back in my room, it started to POUR! I had great timing!


I got on the computer finally for the first time of the day and checked my email, etc.! Lots of news from people which was fun to read about! I then found an apartment-YAY…lets hope! One of my friends in Savannah is going to look at it for me tomorrow morning to see how it is! So excited but I guess I should wait to see how it goes first! I got to talk to my dad and mom tonight which was great! I cannot wait to see them both very soon! I then got ready for bed and decided to call it a night at around 10:45pm! It has been raining on and off all night but goodness it is so much cooler out! I have goose-bumps in my room! What a change! I am going to get up in the morning for my last trip to Apt! I still cannot believe it! Well goodnight for now and enjoy the rest of your Friday and woo, it’s the weekend!!

Last Day of Class!! Friday, Aug 26 2011 

I woke up with the sun rising in the distance over theLuberonMountains. What a sight! I got up and got to my normal morning routine. I then went up to the printmaking studio for “class.”


I do not really consider class actual class today with us just figuring out where everything was to be hung. I was in my room for the majority of the time figuring out how I was going to cover the scratches on the frames from where the spray paint had been rubbed off. Those IKEA frames are not ideal to get the job done for this but hey I guess it will be fine! I figured out though that Sharpie did the job pretty well. I then had to re-wire the old frames and put the wire in the new frames so that they would all hang evenly along the gate. I then hung them up and VOILA…beautiful! Deb was very happy with the results so I guess that is a good thing! I went back up to the printmaking studio to help others with getting their frames hung along the walls in there. I love seeing everyone’s work all up and it is amazing to see how good it looks with everything framed and up against the freshly painted walls! As work as being put up along the stone walls outside, one girl within 20 minutes had already sold two of her prints! No one could believe it! I went back down to my room to check my emails, and all since I was no longer needed to help- wahoo! It was then linen exchange and lunchtime.


I got back to my room and made up my bed here for the last time with new sheets! I then got on my computer for like the whole afternoon! I am so bored these days with the heat and no classes that I just sit here and waste my time- I really hate it but its like a nice break too from feeling too stressed. I got an email from my advisor at school saying that I needed to change my schedule for the fall so that I must take 2 studio classes and 1 lecture. Nightmare and stressss hello. So now I am taking back to back Fashion classes on Monday from 11-5. I am starting to think it may be the first quarter where my name is on the Dean’s List 😦  Lordy, I am already stressed and I just got done with classes. So that was an unfortunate time but then I decided to wait and not have negative thoughts now but everything will be okay. Self-talk. I had to then go down to the Mac Lab to let Danna use my phone because…she needed another suitcase!! Ha I have a feeling that may be me as well but praying not! I am just going to have to try and fit everything and wear the rest! I went back to my room to then realize I had to go pick up my labels from the Boutique. I was interested to go see all the work that’s been put up so I did a walk through- so far everything is AMAZING! Such talent and I had no idea! It was fun to see like the behind the scenes part of everyone going crazy before such a show was hung. I had to figure out the placement of my labels below the bushes of my artwork since people would not be able to read them from the gate.


I returned to my room around 5pm to cool off because I was so hot from just walking around looking at everything! I then got on my computer and hung out until dinner time.


I came back up to my room. I wandered around for awhile outside because it had cooled off a bit which was nice. I walked down to see Shelley and to the computer lab and Danielle in the print studio where she was printing a few plates since she is doing a demo for the Exposition tomorrow while people are walking through. I then went to the studio where the journals are being displayed and enjoyed looking at them for a bit. I came back and just hung out on the computer. I was going to go outside on the terrace and read but it started to get dark so those plans for nixed! I then skype chatted with my mom for a bit in trying to figure out a hotel for our stay inAtlantawhen she takes me back to school. I was excited then to see that I had gotten a St. Mary’s Alumni email! They have created a new website so it was fun to see that! I got ready for bed and here I am sitting on my bed with the fan blowing right on me:) My night has been a little bit dumpy with feeling a little bored and worried about life when I get back to the states. I doing want to have any negative expectations. Well tomorrow is Friday, my day off! A group of us is going to walk to Bonnieux in the morning for the market before the Exposition begins at 3pm! Trying to get excited now for the weekend ahead! Should be a good and successful one I hope! XOXO

Supposed to be…Working Wednesday Thursday, Aug 25 2011 

I woke up this morning with an excitement and sadness that it was my last morning of art history. I got on with my normal routine and while coming back into Lacoste, I was really taking in my surroundings. It is so crazy that when you are down in the valley, it’s a lot cooler and I had the feeling as if I were back at summer camp. It is really like nature-y and reminded me of being at summer camp at Camp Columba which is out in the woods. My first over night camp which was huge for me and I loved it! I returned to get ready for my day.


We arrived down at the art history studio where we all just turned in our journals to Professor Gross. He asked who wanted to display their journals so I volunteered as one of the eight from our class because I felt like I worked hard and thought it would be nice to be able to show to others. I am excited to see other peoples during the Exposition because we did not really get to see anyone else’s in the class except for the outer covers.


I then had to go give one of the girls, Jessica, who is in charge of making labels, a list from our class of who is displaying theirs. I walked up to Studio 2 where they were beginning to spackle the walls and prepare for the show. I was complimented on my “cute shirt” by Deb and it put a smile on my face! I returned to my room and it was only about 9:30am so I decided to read my last magazine, Elle! It was pretty good with Mila and Justin on the cover. I read through it and then Danielle and Shelley came in after about an hour and a half. I had to go take the garbage out since it was all full but came back to my room to talk to them and continue with our Words with Friends games via Facebook. I hate that I am addicted now to playing a stupid game! I am not sure it will last long though! I did get distracted with checking my emails, blogs, and the continual search for an apartment! It was then time to go to lunch!


After lunch, I returned to my room to hideout and being a bad girl when I was supposed to go spackle and paint the studios for the Exposition. I ended up playing a few games and falling asleep for about an hour. It was a little cooler in my room so it was nice just to relax but then Danielle came in and made me feel quite guilty about how everyone was working hard…blah. So I got up and went to the printmaking studio. Everything was pretty much finished and my artwork was positioned to where we are going to hang everything tomorrow so YAY! I then went to Eleanor’s office to get some meds because something bit my leg and its quite swollen and itchy. I headed to the Mac Lab to then work on my online discussion board. My teacher keeps giving me like 92s as grades for the discussions so I emailed her yesterday, asking how I could raise my grade. She just said I don’t know your exact grade but participate more so that’s what I am doing!! It just is not that much fun looking at people’s websites and giving them feedback when the concept and design is something that just really does not interest me. But hey…I am going for that A! I came back to my room late in the afternoon to hang out! So nice not having any work to get done and feel stress free! AH who knew it would come so quickly! Deb came by my dorm around 5pm and they were starting to look at where things were going to be hung outside. She chose my prints to be outside my dorm area along the iron gate and bushes! I think it should be a good spot…I had to go get them from the printmaking studio and set them out there. It is really cool to start seeing everyone’s work because I have not really seen anything besides people in my class. I hung out in my room then until dinner time.


Afterwards, I had to go retrieve my prints from the bushes where they were propped up. Tomorrow in my printmaking class, we are going to actually hang everything for the show on Friday. Since my artwork is going to be outside though, I have to be able to bring it in each night. A bit of a pain but I think it will be nice to have my work displayed outside! I then went down to the Mac Lab to work more on my discussion board for the online class. I also did a little online shopping…well I did not end up buying anything but definitely was browsing! I cannot wait to get back and see what is out in stores! And then I uploaded the rest of my images from my printmaking class!

(this is a Colograph Plate that I made and then printed from)

(One of my Colograph prints)

I came back to my room to get ready for bed and go to sleep! It has been a really long day. I am ready for Thursday! Bon soir!


Oh and today, I killed a huge bee and a scorpion!! Just another day in Lacoste…

Last Full Tuesday! Wednesday, Aug 24 2011 

Oh this morning I was not in the mood to get up! I lay in my bed for 15 extra minutes than normal! I could not believe it! Last night, one of Roxy’s friends came in and drunkenly was yelling at her to come to the bar with her since it was the girl’s birthday. Anyways, I woke up and could not fall asleep again because it was so hot! So back to this morning, I got up, did my thing, and went to the printmaking studio!


Deb got us all together just to tell us that we needed to have our work completed to hang by tomorrow morning. We had to submit our titles, pricing, etc. for labels to be made for each one of our works as well! I spent the class spray painting my frames, since they were the wrong color. And then I matted and framed them! I got finished at 12:50 pm just as lunch was ending so I ran down there quickly.


After lunch, I came to my room to just sit on my bed with the fan going straight on me! I think that the rest of the afternoon, I did not move except to go to the bathroom. I literally am just not motivated to do anything in this darn heat! I did get some of my prints photographed though that had been drying when I had previously taken photos. I responded to a few long emails that I had gotten and just hung out reading blogs. It was quite relaxing just not to have any stresses except for finding an apartment! Which I am just not feeling too positive about at this point but we will see! I then went up to the PC Lab to work on my online class discussion board. We have to critique the work of others in our class. You never know what kind of website will come up next for each student. It is kind of strange since you like have never seen the people so really do not know anything about them! It was then time for dinner!


I arrived back to my room after dinner to just hang! I also had to write in my thesis/overall concept to the front page of my journal. I am so excited at this point to be home to go shopping! I have missed being able to see what is out there. I am guessing most stores have all their fall collections out so Not excited for that…I will be heading to the Summer Sales 🙂 I then had to go down to the Mac Lab to enter the information into Microsoft Excel for my pieces that are to be exhibited. I came back up to my room where Danielle and Phylisha convinced me to get Words with Friends on Facebook. They have officially gotten me addicted! So terrible! Its like Scrabble so it was hilarious with us all playing in the room next to each other with all of our laptops out…a little bit ridiculous!


I then decided to get ready for bed! I went through a last check through my journal to make sure everything was in well and got in bed! I am excited to say that I am done with all my work except for the online class. I really cannot believe it though. I feel like I have something more to be working on! It has been a great quarter of work and I cannot believe its coming down to my last art history class tomorrow and print class Thursday! Well hope you had a nice Tuesday, I feel like I wasted mine away just messing around on the computer but I guess you always need that kind of break from reality every once in awhile! Hopefully tomorrow I will feel more productive in what I get accomplished…and maybe step outside to accept the heat and enjoy it? I am not sure that is the right word but at least savor the last days here! XOXO

Start to the last week of classes… Tuesday, Aug 23 2011 

I woke up right before my alarm went off this morning. I was ready to be up for the day I guess! It was already humid and hot though when I stepped outside. Not very pleasant so early in the morning! I was feeling slow as molasses but then got ready for class and went on the classroom.


Everyone was there so ready to turn in their papers. My teacher was actually running a bit late so we waited outside the classroom for a second for him. We all handed the papers in and sat down. He was like I do not want to keep you guys long so thank you for turning in the papers and you guys can go work on whatever you need to get done for the final show and be ready to turn in your journals on Wednesday! It was literally the shortest class period I think I have ever been in. Not sure we made it 15 minutes! Now I definitely cannot complain about that! I headed down to the computer lab where I checked my website that I submitted from last night just to reconfirm that everything was working! I also had gotten a few emails from my mom, Sylvie and Bee, Jessie, and Hannah so I was excited to read those! Unfortunately, there is a lack of bathroom facilities around Lacoste much less anywhere aroundFranceso I headed back up to my room so that I could go to the bathroom! I then worked on the finishing touches of my journal. I had re-glue a few things and put some pressed flowers in that I had been saving. Then I decided that I should go buy the matte board for my frames for the Exposition (the final show.) (Today I found out that the final show is actually called the Exposition but the celebratory gathering of the final night of the show is the Vernissage!) So then I cut it up for the appropriate sized frames and decided to call it a day with that. Tomorrow in class, we are also working on finishing up the pieces of work so I thought I will just finish it up then!


Lunchtime then came around where I got my package- a little one with gold ole crystal light and some tasty gum! Gum is like ridiculously expensive here…quite strange! And then afterwards I came back to the room. It was such a great feeling just to be done with everything. Its like AH now I can relax…I do not think I have had that feeling since about the first week in being here before we  had any real work to do! So as I was sitting on my bed painting my nails, Roxy came over near my bed and said um Hey Wallis…Sorry about yesterday I was in a bad mood with all that I had to do and I am embarrassed about it…Sorry. I said my Its okay. But I was still disappointed with the whole situation especially with the immaturity to delete me off of Facebook when we are still living together. I am just so over it at this point that I was just glad that now there is a little less tension in the room.


I then returned Shelley her nail polish down at the computer lab. I have silvery nails 🙂 It seems like most people are just finishing up their work though so it’s a little crazy around town. I tell you, I am so glad that I kept up with my journal as the quarter went by because I would be dying if I had left it until the last minute to do!


So then I came back to my room and just hung out because it was literally too hot to move! 90 degrees in my room is just not okay! My dad called me and we tried to talk for a bit but the internet was just really slow and choppy today. But I decided then to go through my journal again to make sure pages were not stuck to one another, and then went through a couple entries with a bolder pen so that it would be clearer to read! It was just so hot though that I went down to the Mac Lab where there is a little bit of AC so that I could do the peer feedback on the websites for my online class. I then went down to dinner.


I returned to my room to look at apartments and try to find at least something that could work because I am starting to get a little bit worried. I have nothing at this point so hopefully one of my friends will be able to look at a couple that I have found. It was nice tonight with a little breeze finally coming in the room. The smell of a wood fire wafted through the room and it smelled delicious! I so badly miss being outside at the house with the firepit going on a cool night. I literally just hung out in my room for the rest of the night on Facebook and being bored! Nice change but felt like I should be doing something! I briefly got to chat with Avery who was going to a frat event thing and then some hall meeting! Who knows! Today we got all the information about leaving so it definitely feels like things around here are wrapping up! Well I am going to bed now and preparing myself for a good Tuesday ahead! Bon soir!


PS Hannah I am sorry  I have not yet responded to you!!!! I will tomorrow morning!

Successful Sunday! Monday, Aug 22 2011 

I love Sundays especially because I sleep in usually for a little bit longer than usual! I got up and went on a long walk! But before that, I was so excited to wake up with a text message from Avery telling me about his first night, and then a great email from Jessie! She is a longtime friend of my grandmother’s fromMexicoand I had not heard from her in awhile. It was great to hear that she is following my blog:) And I had forgotten that she had lived inParisfor awhile back in the 60s-70s. I remember seeing pictures of my grandparents where they had gone to visit her in her apartment! So it was so nice to hear from her! Anyways, it was already pretty warm outside but not too bad out! I went on a different path than normal and walked by a few fields with grapes! It was very beautiful out! While I was outside, I listened to my book on my iPod which kept me quite entertained! Now that I am like in the middle of it, I am more into it!


I got back and got ready for my day! By then it was about 12:30pm so I went down and had lunch in the café. I returned to my room and worked on my paper. It was a lot of just going through research to finish it up. I finally was finished by the end of the afternoon and realized that instead of 6 pages…I ended up with 8! I could not believe it. This particular professor grades down if the paper is too long so I took out a few things and went to print it off at the computer lab! I was so excited to finally have it done with!


I came back to my room and skyped with Avery for awhile. He gave me the tour of his room and then I even got to meet his roommate. He seems to be settling in well which is awesome! Seems like everyone is just finishing up moving in and they are starting festivities tonight since classes do not start until Wednesday. He decided to end the call though so that he could go to the gym. What a guy! Ha


Afterwards, I checked for apartments and did the usual check of my blogs and emails,etc. Nothing too exciting! I then headed down for dinner in at the café. I went down later so not many people were there but I sat with Shelley who was my writing companion this weekend in that we were both pushing each other to stay motivated in finishing our papers! She though had finished last night so she made sure I was finished up with mine! Thankfully I was!


I went back up to my room afterwards and walked into this loud music playing. To say the least, one of my roommates was playing her music very loudly since she was the only one in there. Once I was there for about 5 minutes, I figured she would put her headphones in but no. So I asked her nicely to please put her headphones in and Wow…she blew up cursing and saying it is her room too etc. I was a little bit shocked and defended myself but somehow she just made me feel awful. So that was a turn for the worst in the night. Danielle came in the room afterwards because she had been on the terrace and heard everything that had happened. The other roommate then left and Danielle was shocked as well. We felt a bit awkward and just really still are uncomfortable about the whole thing. So now I am just thinking to myself… only 8 days!!


I knew that I needed to get my website done as well by tonight so I went down to the Mac Lab with a committed mind to complete it quickly and well! I changed a few things from my original pages that I had submitted and then had to go through the tutorial on how to create the html codes through Photoshop to put the pages then into Dreamweaver so that they work via the internet. What a process that was!! But hey…I did it after about an hour and half! I was quite impressed with myself in that they actually worked and everything linked to the various pages! Wahoo!


I returned to my room right before 11 and now I am getting ready for bed. No one is in my room right now so lets hope no more drama occurred while I was away! Hope you had a great weekend and enjoyed it like I did mine! I successfully got through the work that I needed to and enjoyed going to the markets! Now just have to power through this week and finish up with the Vernissage on Friday and Saturday! Tomorrow my goal is to frame my six prints from printmaking that I am presenting for the show. Hopefully I will be able to do that in the afternoon and then Oh- I have completed my classes here in Lacoste! (Now just the online one to finish up!) I am feeling pretty confident with my stress levels at this point here just thinking about home makes me a little crazy! I just have to take one step at a time though and things will be alright! XOXO

Super Saturday Sunday, Aug 21 2011 

Oh Saturday! I woke up before my alarm and decided to get up anyways! It was cooler this morning yet got hot quite quickly when the sun began to rise over the mountains! These past two mornings, hot air balloons have been out and I love the sight of them so I have been able to take a few pictures of them from my terrace! My morning was like every other except no breakfast on the weekends and headed straight to Apt once I got ready for the day!


The Apt Market was fabulous as always!

I took quite a few pictures and took my time walking around because it might have been my last weekend there unless I am one of the lucky ones who gets to go before the Vernissage next weekend!

The market always just has such great smells and has a good feel when arriving and being in that environment! Today my goal was souvenir shopping! I got quite a few things except my soap man wasn’t there which was a huge disappointment but I am hoping next weekend he will!

I also went to the Intermarche and picked up a few items from the grocery! We then returned to Lacoste around noon and I unpacked everything. I have filled up my whole carry on roller suitcase with souvenirs…lets hope I can get everything home!! I think I may be tossing out a few things to fit all my new goodies…oh well!


I then went down for lunch and returned to my room to work on this dang paper! It went well and I did not get too distracted. I did take a few breaks to chat with my mom, dad, and brother. But I stayed pretty focused and got almost 4 pages done before dinner time! Wahoo! Oh and I did laundry which was much needed because it is so hot here, I change like throughout the day! But about an hour before dinner, I called Avery and talked to him on the phone for about an hour which was AWESOME! He was just getting ready to go to Target to get last minute things for his dorm before my dad dropped him off! I really cannot believe he is at college and like grown up! AH! He said he is really excited though and likes his room so far so that’s good! I am planning to go visit him hopefully the last weekend of September before I get too busy with my classes for the fall quarter. After we got off the phone, I got on Facebook and had a message from one of my friends fromDenver, Nicole. She is probably one of the most amazing people I have ever met and such a wonderful influence for me. It has been a stuggle being away from support so it was really exciting for me to get a message from her. I also got two other messages from girls today fromDenverso it was like really reassuring for me to hear I have support and friends still from my experience there. So once I got off of the computer, I headed down to dinner. Many people are out of town this weekend traveling so it was pretty empty tonight!


I came back to my room and took a break from the paper to check my email, look for apartments, and just relax for a bit! I then called my mom and chatted for a bit while she was at Wal-Mart. Weird how I dream about going to such a place right now and to her she really did not want to be there shopping! I then got to work on my paper. I am just so miserable in this darn hot room of mine. I cannot help but complain about everything. So sorry but AH air conditioning- I think I have forgotten what that actually feels like!! We got an email from Eleanor this evening that there is heat wave going through and to drink lots of water and no physical activity between 11am and 3pm. Oh goodness- this French weather is going to kill me! But anyways, I then decided to go down to the Mac Lab to upload pictures from the fireworks at Bonnieux this past Tuesday night, the market in Bonnieux yesterday, and from my trip to the Apt market this morning! Hope you enjoy looking at them via Facebook! I am tired and as I was walking back up to my room the bell was ringing that it was midnight! Time for me to go to sleep! Goodnight!

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