I woke up this morning to look out clouds were lying out on the valley with the mountains coming out behind them.

Oh I love the view in Lacoste! I got up, did the usual, came back and decided not to shower until I got back from the Apt Market. Let’s hope I did not smell too badly…I did not think i did at least!! It was so cool out that I had not sweat too much. The temperature has dropped almost 15 degrees! I even wore a long sleeve shirt out! I guess I cannot complain about the heat anymore but now how cold I am! Anyways when I got back, Danielle and I hurried out to the Goat Gate (meeting spot to leave) since we were the first ones to go on the list! We were a little bit worried since it was the last week and a lot of students wanted to go!

We were separated into two different vans but we made it to Apt!! Unfortunately, she found out last night that her uncle passed away so I think that having a comforting friend helps to be around so that is what I have tried to be for her. So, we walked around the market for the last Saturday here!

I feel like a local going every week and even know which vendors are where. Last week, my soap man was not there but this week he was!! And I was so glad that last week, I had bought the espadrilles because this week, the stand was not there! Danielle had only needed to go to one of the patisseries where they sell an array of beautiful breads to fabulous looking pastries and macaroons.

She bought macaroons to take home! We then walked through just taking pictures and enjoying being there. As always, the roasted chickens, paella, hummus, flowers and all smelled so delicious! We went by the grocery to pick up a few things for the rest of our time here and I had to take out money from the ATM since I was completely out of Euros!

I found my soap man and bought a few soaps to take back home! He has the best packaging and I just love that so I was happy so get all my shopping done! We headed back to the meeting spot and it was really sad not to think I will be returning next week but will be inMemphis…weird!! I am not sure how I feel about it since,Memphisis ugly! Ha I will be glad to be home…right?!

So we returned to Lacoste and I jumped immediately in the shower! I was freezing and it was so fabulous to be clean and warm! I then went down to lunch and came back to dry my hair, and get ready for the Exposition! I took a break and got on my bed with my comfy blanket that I brought from home and curled up with my laptop to return a few emails and check my usual blogs! It was gorgeous outside too though a bit windy! Definitely nice for the show though compared to last nights downpour! I heard from Lindsey Hurst though with huge exciting news that SHE IS PREGNANT! Yay so exciting! She sent me a picture to my phone of her ultra sound! I spoke with my dad for a bit about the apartment situation so we can try and figure it out before I return with him to Savannah on Wednesday morning. I am hoping that I get something rented so that we can move all my things out of storage! It was then 6pm and I had to go work in the printmaking studio for my shift.

I got into the printmaking studio and Liz and I were assigned to work for the hour. The Vernissage had started up at Maison Forte from 5-7pm so there were a lot more people there walking around and having cocktails! Shelley had just worked in the studio and decided to stay and hang out with me so that was fun!

We took lots of pictures and just hung out with the music playing and people coming in to look around! As we were getting ready to close up, three more prints were sold but a couple of the other girls took care of it and I had to go return my prints inside before our Bon Voyage dinner.

I returned everything to my room safe and sound, freshened up, and met everyone down at the local restaurant for our special Bon Voyage dinner. It was so fabulous to be all dressed up with everyone, drinking, great food, and in a completely different atmosphere than the ole cafeteria!

A few students played music on the piano and sang! Lots of fun and great to get pictures while we could all together! The top picture is Danielle and I, second  Danielle, me, Danna, and below is me, and my roommates, Brittany and Danielle

Most people were pretty tipsy around 9pm because of the Vernissage and then dinner so it was quite the show! I got pictures with lots of my friends here and Eleanor, my fellow Southern belle!

A lot of people then headed down to the bar but Shelley and I decided to watch a movie since we were both sober! I came up to my room and she went to hers but then we decided on Facebook that we were both too tired so I just hung out and uploaded my pictures! It was so cold outside that there was no way I was getting out from under my blankets and pjs to go down to her room!

Today was nice just to not have too much pressure really do have to get anything done but enjoy and relax! I hope you had a great Saturday! I am looking forward to what Sunday may hold…who knows?! I know at 1pm, we have deinstallation so I guess we will be working on getting all the work done, unframed, and back to be packed up. We were talking about doing some sort of artwork swap as well with the students which I think could be fun to get to have other pieces of work. I am thinking…apartment decorating!! Anyways, bon soir and goodnight!