I was freezing when I got up this morning! It was so cool out- my phone said that it was 55 degrees in Lacoste! It was beautiful though to look outside my window at the sun rising over theLuberonMountains. I got up, did my routine, and fortunately, as the sun started coming out, it got warmer out. I showered and got back to the packing. I am leaving a few things behind but I hopefully will not be missing them!


I then went down to the Mac Lab to check my online class discussion board since yesterday, I was unsure if I had posted the website correctly. I unfortunately had not but was able to easily fix it so it should not affect my grade. I got that all settled and then continued to read my email, and check all my other daily pages! I then headed back to my room around 11:30am and decided to grab my book and sit out on the terrace until lunchtime. Oh and it was so nice and peaceful!


I went to lunch where we were told that we could pick up our reading responses and journals from Art History at 1pm. I went back to my room and then went to go pick up my journal! I got A’s on both my papers so wahoo! The professors are not posting grades until the end of this week though so I am not sure about my final grades yet. I then stopped in by the Boutique to get my “I Owe You’s” settled regarding paper that I had bought for printmaking but it had already just been taken out of my deposit so that was easy! I quickly had to come back to my room for Room Inspection which was to be held at 1:30pm but of course, never on time so I sat and got on my computer for awhile! Eleanor and Marcus came in around 1:45pm and we passed with flying colors! It was no big deal and then I decided to grab my towel and head to the terrace! It was gorgeous out and I just lay there for awhile without any music or my book and just enjoyed the time. It was so relaxing! I ended up though falling asleep until about 4:30! Danielle came out and talked to me because she was “soooo bored!” Then we both went back to the room and got on our computers for awhile. I then went down to the Mac Lab because I had to finish up on my discussion boards and talk to my dad about the apartment situation. I really cannot believe he will be picking me up from the airport tomorrow night! I also called my mom to update her on all the apartment info. It was already 6:30pm by that point and I had to go back to my room, shower quickly, and hurry to make it to the end of dinner.


I went back to my room after dinner to get on the computer and just hang out for a bit. Nothing too exciting was going on especially with a group here having left and gone to McDonalds! I decided to stay behind and finish up my packing. I weighed my bag and its about 2 kg over so we will see what happens tomorrow at the airport…hopefully they will let it slide! I then went down to the Mac Lab to send information to the real estate agent for one of the possible apartments! Let us hope I get the lease settled before arriving there on Wednesday afternoon! I then spoke to Avery for a bit before heading back to my room to get ready for bed! I walked up to my room and decided to go look up at the stars from the terrace. It was gorgeous out and all the stars gleaming. I had not realized how bright they were out here. I guess its always good to find out things better late than never! I came back to my room and here I am posting for my last night in Lacoste! But do not worry… I will let you know how my travels go tomorrow! I have loved keeping you updated on my journey so far! It has been quite the time here in the South of France and I cannot believe its coming to a close. Made lots of memories, saw so many sights, smelled amazing smells, and just was exposed to so much that I could have never dreamed of! Its been fabulous! So for now, bon soir!